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duminică, 15 noiembrie 2015

How JSF support the URL bookmarking ?

URL bookmarking refers to storing locally (in your browser) the link from the browser address bar. This facilitate a quick access to the bookmarked page.

Well, let's see why this is an issue in JSF.

1. Consider that you have bookmarked a faces link of type
This is not a problem for JSF.

2. Consider the same thing for this faces link:
The name and email request parameters values have been provided by a managed bean during "exploring" the website (e.g. this link may be the result of navigating via <h:link> and <f:param name="name" value="#{}"/> and <f:param name="email" value="#{}"/>). The problem is that this URL is not eligible for bookmarking, because if you load it later in the browser then the managed bean properties will not be initialized with these request parameters values. This means that if somewhere in this page you need to use #{} and/or  #{} then they will not be foo and buzz.

 This is a job for the JSF view parameters! They "carry" the request parameters values to their managed bean properties (usually they do this, but is not mandatory to tied them up to a managed bean). Moreover, because view parameters are basically UIInputs, we can validate and convert the provided values before "hitting" the managed beans. By converting the values we can obtain from plain strings complex data (e.g. objects) and by validating the data, we ensure that the user provides valid data in our model.

The managed bean properties should be initialized as fast as possible since the current view may need them. But, at initial request, JSF executes only the Restore View and Render Response phases, not the Update Model Values phase. This means that JSF doesn't update the model at initial request, so the question is how the managed beans gets updated?

Well, this is why we are using <f:metadata>! This tag declares the metadata facet for this view and the content of this section is readable without having the entire view available. Moreover, at the initial request, components from this section can accomplish different things before the view is rendered. The <f:metadata> force JSF to execute all phases at initial request!

View parameters (<f:viewParam>) are nested in the metadata section, and this section is processed by JSF before the entire view is ready. The view parameters values are fetched from request parameters during decoding (Apply Request Values phase), and hit the managed bean in the Update Model Values phase. So, right before rendering phase (Render Response) the bookmarked query string (?name=foo&email=buzz) reaches the model and is available during rendering process!

This means that the data model is populated right from the initial request with the values of the view parameters that are linked to managed beans properties. This makes faces URLs with query string to be eligible for bookmarking!

Think to a simple case - somewhere in the bookmarked page, you have something like #{} where name should be initialized based on the above request parameter (?name=foo). Now, you access by bookmark this,

This means that when the #{} is evaluated, the name property of the MyBean is null, not foo!

Further, we add a view parameter of type <f:viewParam name="name" value="#{}"/>, but we don't add this in the metadata section. Since JSF search view parameters only in metadata section, this will not work also.

Finally, we add our view parameter in the metadata section. Since the metadata section has "priority", JSF will process it and will link the name view parameter with the name managed bean property, before the #{} is evaluated during rendering. This means that #{} is evaluated to foo.

The view parameters can be passed between views via:

- the ?faces-redirect=true&amp;includeViewParams=true query string attached to the target outcome in the action attribute of the <h:commandButton>, <h:commandLink>;
- the ?faces-redirect=true&includeViewParams=true string attached to the target outcome returned by an action method pointed via <h:commandButton>, <h:commandLink>;
- the includeViewParams=true attribute explicitly attached to the <h:link> or <h:button>;
- the OmniFaces <o:form> component which keep view or request parameters in the request URL after a post-back and offers in combination with the <o:ignoreValidationFailed> tag on an UICommand component the possibility to ignore validation failures so that the invoke action phase will be executed anyway.

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