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duminică, 25 octombrie 2015

[OmniFaces utilities (2.2)] Stream a specified range of the given file to the given output via NIO

[OmniFaces utilities] The stream() method stream a specified range of the given file to the given output via NIO Channels and a directly allocated NIO ByteBuffer. The output stream will only implicitly be closed after streaming when the specified range represents the whole file, regardless of whether an exception is been thrown or not.

See also: Utils#stream()

Let's suppose that we have in /resources/default/images folder the picture MasteringOmniFaces.jpg image from the left, and we want to copy in a temporary file only the part highlighted via the red rectangle:

For this we can use the Utils#stream() method as below:

public void cropPicture() throws IOException{
 Path path = Paths.get((Faces.getServletContext()).getRealPath("/resources/default/images/MasteringOmniFaces.jpg"));    
 Path tmp = Files.createTempFile("copy_", null);
 OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(tmp);
, outputStream, 0, 16000);
 // or, half of the picture size
 //, outputStream, 0, (Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class)).size()/2);

This will produce in your temporary folder (e.g. /temp) a file as copy_1935333494585132160.tmp.

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