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luni, 26 octombrie 2015

[JSF Page Author Beginner's Guide] JSF <graphicImage> / HTML5 <img>

The <h:graphicImage> renders an HTML "img" element

The images used in these examples comes from different sources. The ones stored locally in /resources folder are highlighted in the below figure:

Common/basic usage  (I) - pointing an image via the name attribute (no library):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
  <title>JSF graphicImage examples</title>        
  <h:graphicImage name="imgs/OmniFaces.png"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/imgs/OmniFaces.png" />

Common/basic usage (II) - pointing an image via the name and library attributes:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
  <title>JSF graphicImage examples</title>        
  <h:graphicImage library="default" name="imgs/OmniFaces.png"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/imgs/OmniFaces.png?ln=default" />

Data flow in image:

More examples:

Add xmlns:pt="" for pass-through attributes

Pointing an image via the value attribute

<h:graphicImage value="#{resource['imgs/OmniFaces.png']}"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/imgs/OmniFaces.png" />

Pointing an image via the url attribute

<h:graphicImage url="#{resource['imgs/OmniFaces.png']}"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/imgs/OmniFaces.png" />

Pointing an image located on the web

<h:graphicImage value=""/>
<h:graphicImage url=""/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="" />
<img src="" />

Setting the width and height of an image

<h:graphicImage name="imgs/OmniFaces.png" height="70" width="70"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/imgs/OmniFaces.png" height="70" width="70" />

Styling images with inner CSS

<h:graphicImage name="imgs/OmniFaces.png" style="border:1px solid #000;padding:10px;"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/imgs/OmniFaces.png" style="border:1px solid #000;padding:10px;" />

Styling images with CSS class

<h:graphicImage name="imgs/OmniFaces.png" styleClass="graphicImage-css"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/imgs/OmniFaces.png" class="graphicImage-css" />

Use a map image

<h:graphicImage name="imgs/OmniFaces.png" ismap="true" usemap="#omnifacesmap"/>
<map name="omnifacesmap">
 <area shape="rect" coords="0, 0, 37, 35" href="" title='OmniFaces Showcase'/>
 <area shape="rect" coords="38, 0, 76, 35" href="" title='OmniFaces Source Code'/>
 <area shape="rect" coords="0, 35, 38, 72" href="" title='OmniFaces API Documentation'/>
 <area shape="rect" coords="38, 35, 76, 72" href="" title='OmniFaces VDL documentation'/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/imgs/OmniFaces.png" usemap="#omnifacesmap" ismap="ismap" />

Render JSF resource image in data URI format via OmniFaces, <o:graphicImage>

<o:graphicImage name="imgs/OmniFaces.png" dataURI="true"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src=" ... ASUVORK5CYII=" alt="" />

Render InputStream (or byte[]property as resource image via OmniFaces, <o:graphicImage>

<o:graphicImage value="#{app.inputStreamImage}"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/ApplicationBean_getInputStreamImage?ln=omnifaces.graphic&amp;v=0" alt="" />

Render InputStream (or byte[]property with SVG content as resource image via OmniFaces, <o:graphicImage>

<o:graphicImage value="#{app.svgInputStreamImage}" type="svg"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/
          ApplicationBean_getSvgInputStreamImage_svg?ln=omnifaces.graphic&amp;v=0" alt="" />

Render InputStream (or byte[]) property with SVG content as fragment via OmniFaces, <o:graphicImage>

<o:graphicImage value="#{app.svgInputStreamImage}" type="svg" fragment="svgView(viewBox(0,50,50,50))"/>
This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="/JSFGraphicImageExamples/faces/javax.faces.resource/ApplicationBean_getSvgInputStreamImage_svg?
         ln=omnifaces.graphic&amp;v=0#svgView(viewBox(0,50,50,50))" alt="" />

Render InputStream (or byte[]) property with SVG content as resource image data URI

<o:graphicImage value="#{app.svgInputStreamImage}" type="svg" dataURI="true"/>

This produce the following HTML code:
<img src="...g0KPC9zdmc+DQo=" alt="" />

The dummy bean used for the above four examples is:

import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import org.omnifaces.util.Faces;

@Named(value = "app")
public class ApplicationBean {

 public ApplicationBean() {

 public InputStream getInputStreamImage() {
  return Faces.getResourceAsStream("/resources/imgs/OmniFaces.png");

 public InputStream getSvgInputStreamImage() {
  return Faces.getResourceAsStream("/resources/imgs/OmniFaces.svg");

Note When not rendered as data URI, the InputStream or byte[] property must point to a stateless @ApplicationScoped bean (both JSF and CDI scopes are supported).

Cross-origin CORS requests for the element will not have the credentials flag set

<h:graphicImage url="e.g. dropbox link" pt:crossorigin="anonymous"/>

This can be useful per example if you have tainted canvases. You may have an image in a canvas and try to save the canvas content in local storage. Basically, post your images to a site that supports cross-domain sharing (like and set crossorigin to anonymous.

Complete source code on GitHub.
See also
More resources on Constantin Alin, ZEEF page.
GraphicImage in JSF Extension on JSF ShowCase ZEEF page.

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