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sâmbătă, 27 februarie 2016

[OmniFaces utilities (2.3)] Parsing the given object representing the locale to a Locale object

[OmniFaces utilities] The parseLocale() method parses the given object representing the locale to a Locale object. If it is null, then return null. Else if it is already an instance of Locale, then just return it. Else if it is in pattern ISO 639 alpha-2/3, optionally followed by "_" and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, then split the language/country and construct a new Locale with it. Else parse it via Locale#forLanguageTag(String) and return it.


We will pass to Utils#parseLocale() a string of type xxx_yy. The xxx part represents the ISO 639 alpha-2/3 code, and the yy represents the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For example for Japan we have, jpn_JP.

 <h:outputText value="Country: #{}"/>
 <h:outputText value="Display Country: #{localeBean.locale.displayCountry}"/>
 <h:outputText value="Display Language: #{localeBean.locale.displayLanguage}"/>

 <h:commandButton value="Japan" action="#{localeBean.localeAction('jpn_JP')}"/>
 <h:commandButton value="Italy" action="#{localeBean.localeAction('ita_IT')}"/>
 <h:commandButton value="Lule Sami" action="#{localeBean.localeAction('smj')}"/>

import org.omnifaces.util.Faces;
import org.omnifaces.util.Utils;
import java.util.Locale;
public class LocaleBean {
 private Locale locale;
 public void init(){       
  // init with the current locale

 public void localeAction(String code) {
  locale =  Utils.parseLocale(code);               

 public Locale getLocale() {
  return locale;

The output will be:

// initial
Country: US
Display Country: United States
Display Language: English

// after pressing Japan button
Country: JP
Display Country: the Japan
Display Language: Japanese

// after pressing the Italy button
Country: IT
Display Country: Italy
Display Language: Italian

// after pressing the Lule Sami button
Display Country:
Display Language: Lule Sami

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