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sâmbătă, 27 februarie 2016

[OmniFaces utilities (2.3)] Format the given number in the default pattern of the given locale

[OmniFaces utilities] The formatNumberDefaultForLocale() method formats the given number in the default pattern of the given locale. This is useful when you want to format numbers in for example the title attribute of an UI component, or the itemLabel attribute of select item, or wherever you can't use the <f:convertNumber> tag. The given locale can be a Locale object or a string representation.


We will pass to Numbers#formatNumberDefaultForLocale() a locale of type xx_yy conforming to JDK 8 and JRE 8 Supported Locales, but we will pass a string of type xxx_yy also. The xxx part represents the ISO 639 alpha-2/3 code, and the yy represents the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2country code. For example for Japan we have, jpn_JP. Moreover, we will pass an instance of current Locale:

public class AmountBean {
 private double amount = 10242556643.23d;

 public double getAmount() {
  return amount;

// 10,242,556,643.23
<h:outputText value="Amount (Japan): #{of:formatNumberDefaultForLocale(amountBean.amount, 'jpn_JP')}"/>

// 10.242.556.643,23
<h:outputText value="Amount (Romania): #{of:formatNumberDefaultForLocale(amountBean.amount, 'ro_RO')}"/>

// 10 242 556 643,23
<h:outputText value="Amount (France): #{of:formatNumberDefaultForLocale(amountBean.amount, 'fr_FR')}"/>

// 10,242,556,643.23
<h:outputText value="Amount (Lule Sami): #{of:formatNumberDefaultForLocale(amountBean.amount, 'smj')}"/>

// 10,242,556,643.23
<h:outputText value="Amount (your locale): #{of:formatNumberDefaultForLocale(amountBean.amount, facesContext.viewRoot.locale)}"/>

In practice we can use it whenever <f:convertNumber/> is not an option. For example, we can used for formatting the value of itemLabel, as below:

public class AmountBean {

 private double amount;   
 List<Double> amounts;
 public void init(){       
  amounts = new ArrayList<>();

 public double getAmount() {
  return amount;
 public void setAmount(double amount) {
  this.amount = amount;

 public List<Double> getAmounts() {
  return amounts;

 <h:panelGrid columns="3">
  <h:selectOneMenu value="#{amountBean.amount}">
   <f:selectItems value="#{amountBean.amounts}" var="t"
                  itemLabel="#{of:formatNumberDefaultForLocale(t, 'ro_RO')}" itemValue="#{t}"/>
  <h:commandButton value="Select amount"/>
  <h:outputText value="Selected amount (Romania): #{of:formatNumberDefaultForLocale(amountBean.amount, 'ro_RO')}"/>

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