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vineri, 1 mai 2015

[OmniFaces utilities (2.0)] Find/put a value associated with the specified key in the component's state

[OmniFaces utilities] This is a helper class for StateHelper that uses generic type-inference to make code that uses the StateHelper slightly less verbose.

Method get(Serializable key)- Attempts to find a value associated with the specified key in the component's state. Returns the value associated with the specified key.
Method get(Serializable key, Object defaultValue)-  Attempts to find a value associated with the specified key in the component's state. The value associated with the specified key, or the given default value if no value is found.
Method put(Serializable key, T value)- Puts a value in the component's state and returns the previous value. Returns The previous value, if any.


The below example was extracted from the OmniFaces source code - component CommandScript:

import org.omnifaces.util.State;
private enum PropertyKeys {
 name, execute, render, onbegin, oncomplete;

private final State state = new State(getStateHelper());

public String getName() {
 return state.get(;

public void setName(String name) {
 state.put(, name);

public String getExecute() {
 return state.get(PropertyKeys.execute, "@this");

public void setExecute(String execute) {
 state.put(PropertyKeys.execute, execute);

public String getRender() {
 return state.get(PropertyKeys.render, "@none");

public void setRender(String render) {
 state.put(PropertyKeys.render, render);

public String getOnbegin() {
 return state.get(PropertyKeys.onbegin);

public void setOnbegin(String onbegin) {
 state.put(PropertyKeys.onbegin, onbegin);

public String getOncomplete() {
 return state.get(PropertyKeys.oncomplete);

public void setOncomplete(String oncomplete) {
 state.put(PropertyKeys.oncomplete, oncomplete);


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