[OmniFaces utilities] The
method sends a HTTP response error with the given status and message. This will end up in either a custom <error-page>
whose <error-code>
matches the given status, or in a servlet container specific default error page if there is none. The message will be available in the error page as a request attribute with name javax.servlet.error.message
. The FacesContext#responseComplete()
will implicitly be called after sending the error. The HTTP response status is supposed to be in the range 4nn-5nn. You can use the constant field values of HttpServletResponse
for this.
Note The
caller should preferably not catch the IOException thrown by this method,but
just re-declare it in the action method.The Servlet container will handle it.
See also: Faces#getContext() | Faces#hasContext() | Faces#setContext()
Suppose that
we access a page as: shop.xhtml?product=id,
where id
is the unique product identifier
(e.g. a number between 1-100). We have this:
Now, this id must be validated before showing the product, and if it is an invalid product then return a 404
page error. For this, we can use the Faces#responseSendError(), as below:
= "productValidator")
public class
ProductValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(FacesContext context,
UIComponent component, Object value)
throws ValidatorException {
id = Integer.parseInt((String) value);
if (check_id) {
try {
"The product with unique product identifier, " + id + " cannot
be found !");
// or using,
"The product with unique product identifier, " + id + " cannot be found !");
"The product with unique product identifier, " + id + " cannot be found !");
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new FacesException(ex);
How the
user sees the error message ? Well, by default it will see it in a Servlet
container specific default error page, as below:
Or, you may
provide an error page and configure it in web.xml. A simple error.xhtml
Error Desscription:
Servlet Name:
In web.xml,
it must be configured as:
Now, the
result of an invalid id will be:
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