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luni, 9 februarie 2015

Use OmniFaces approach to attach converters to custom components

Let's suppose that you want to write a custom component that should support a JSF converter (custom converter or built-in converter). In this post, you will see the OmniFaces technique for accomplishing this task, but, first you have to know the main steps that a custom component should respect in order to support the converter attribute, <f:converter> tag or <f:convertNumber>, etc:

·         implement the ValueHolder interface
·         override the ValueHolder.setConverter() method
·         override the ValueHolder.getConverter() method
·         override the rest of methods (not discussed in this post)

So, we can have a quick skeleton of such a custom component:

import javax.faces.component.FacesComponent;
import javax.faces.component.ValueHolder;
import javax.faces.convert.Converter;
public class MyComponent implements ValueHolder {

 private enum PropertyKeys {
  // Cannot be uppercased. They have to exactly match the attribute names.
  converter; // converter attribute name

 private Converter converter; // converter object

 public Converter getConverter() {
  // return the converter

 public void setConverter(Converter converter) {
  // set the converter

 // override rest of methods           

So, via the converter object we can call the well-known getAsObject() and getAsString() methods, but, before that we need to ensure that it points a Converter instance. Based on a simple intuition, you may think that getConverter() and setConverter() implementations can be like below, and, since we are implementing the ValueHolder, JSF will call these methods accordingly:

 public Converter getConverter() {
  return converter;

 public void setConverter(Converter converter) {
  this.converter = converter;

Well, is true that in some cases this implementation is ok, but, let's focus on the setConverter() method, and let's analyze when JSF calls it:

·          built-in converter indicated via <f:convertNumber>

 <f:convertNumber type="percent"/>

This will call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, the method will be called via ConverterTagHandlerDelegateImpl#applyAttachedObject() method.

·         built-in converter indicated via <f:converter> as string

 <f:converter converterId="javax.faces.BigInteger"/>

This will call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, the method will be called via ConverterTagHandlerDelegateImpl#applyAttachedObject() method.

·         built-in converter indicated via <f:converter> as ValueExpression

private String bigConverter= "javax.faces.BigInteger";
 <f:converter converterId="#{myBean.bigConverter}"/>

This will call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, the method will be called via ConverterTagHandlerDelegateImpl#applyAttachedObject() method.

·         custom converter indicated via <f:converter> as string

 <f:converter converterId="myConverter"/>

This will call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, the method will be called via ConverterTagHandlerDelegateImpl#applyAttachedObject() method.

·         custom converter indicated via <f:converter> as ValueExpression

private String myConverter= "myConverter";
 <f:converter converterId="#{myBean.myConverter}"/>

This will call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, the method will be called via ConverterTagHandlerDelegateImpl#applyAttachedObject() method.

·         built-in converter indicated via converter attribute as string

<t:myComponent converter="javax.faces.BigInteger" />   

This will call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, the method will be called via ValueHolderRule$LiteralConverterMetadata#applyMetadata() method.

·         built-in converter indicated via converter attribute as ValueExpression

private Converter bigConverter= new BigIntegerConverter();
<t:myComponent converter="#{myBean.bigConverter}" /> 

This will NOT call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, this case is resolved by the ValueHolderRule$DynamicConverterMetadata2#applyMetadata() method.

·         custom converter indicated via converter attribute as string

<t:myComponent converter="myConverter" />   

This will call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, the method will be called via ValueHolderRule$LiteralConverterMetadata#applyMetadata() method.

·         custom converter indicated via converter attribute as ValueExpression

private Converter myConverter= new MyConverter();
<t:myComponent converter="#{myBean.myConverter}" />  

This will NOT call the setConverter() method. In Mojarra, this case is resolved by the ValueHolderRule$DynamicConverterMetadata2#applyMetadata() method.

We can easily conclude that the setConverter() method is not called when the converter is indicated via a ValueExpression that must evaluate to javax.faces.convert.Converter. This will make our getConverter() to return null! This is happening because JSF distinguish between static converters (indicated via converter ID) and dynamic converters (indicated via ValueExpression evaluated to javax.faces.convert.Converter). For the static converters JSF will invoke the setConverter() method, while for dynamic converters, JSF will only invoke the setValueExpression() method which ultimately stores the EL expression in state helper. The getConverter() then evaluates it and assigns the result as an instance variable as they are not necessarily serializable (and thus should not be stored in state helper!).

Let's check out the Mojarra code for the case of using <f:converter> tag. Look how the ConverterTagHandlerDelegateImpl#applyAttachedObject() method calls the setConverter():

// Mojarra 2.2.9 - com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf. ConverterTagHandlerDelegateImpl
public void applyAttachedObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent parent) {
 FaceletContext ctx = (FaceletContext)
 ValueHolder vh = (ValueHolder) parent;
 ValueExpression ve = null;
 Converter c = null;
 if (owner.getBinding() != null) {
     ve = owner.getBinding().getValueExpression(ctx, Converter.class);
     c = (Converter) ve.getValue(ctx);
 if (c == null) {
     c = this.createConverter(ctx);
     if (ve != null) {
         ve.setValue(ctx, c);
 if (c == null) {
     throw new TagException(owner.getTag(), "No Converter was created");
 owner.setAttributes(ctx, c);
 Object lv = vh.getLocalValue();
 FacesContext faces = ctx.getFacesContext();
 if (lv instanceof String) {
     vh.setValue(c.getAsObject(faces, parent, (String) lv));

private Converter createConverter(FaceletContext ctx) {
 if (owner.getConverterId(ctx) == null) {
     throw new TagException(owner.getTag(),
      "Default behavior invoked of requiring a converter-id passed in the constructor, must override ConvertHandler(ConverterConfig)");
 return ctx.getFacesContext().getApplication().createConverter(owner.getConverterId(ctx));

If you fallow the code line by line, is pretty clear how it works.
Now, let's see the case of using the converter attribute, which is more interesting for us. In Mojarra, the magic happens in ValueHolderRule class as below:

// Mojarra 2.2.9 - com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.ValueHolderRule
final class ValueHolderRule extends MetaRule {

 final static class LiteralConverterMetadata extends Metadata {

  private final String converterId;

  public LiteralConverterMetadata(String converterId) {
   this.converterId = converterId;

  public void applyMetadata(FaceletContext ctx, Object instance) {
   ((ValueHolder) instance).setConverter(ctx.getFacesContext()
 final static class DynamicConverterMetadata2 extends Metadata {

  private final TagAttribute attr;

  public DynamicConverterMetadata2(TagAttribute attr) {
   this.attr = attr;

  public void applyMetadata(FaceletContext ctx, Object instance) {
   ((UIComponent) instance).setValueExpression("converter", attr
      .getValueExpression(ctx, Converter.class));
 public final static ValueHolderRule Instance = new ValueHolderRule();

  public Metadata applyRule(String name, TagAttribute attribute, MetadataTarget meta) {
   if (meta.isTargetInstanceOf(ValueHolder.class)) {

       if ("converter".equals(name)) {
           if (attribute.isLiteral()) {
               return new LiteralConverterMetadata(attribute.getValue());
           } else {
               return new DynamicConverterMetadata2(attribute);

   return null;

Finally, the UIComponent#setValueExpression() will access the state via getStateHelper().put() and will store the converter. Now, that we know how the things works, we can adjust the getConverter() accordingly. OmniFaces uses the follow getConverter() in its Param component:

private Converter localConverter;

public Converter getConverter() {
 return localConverter != null ? localConverter : (Converter) getStateHelper().eval(PropertyKeys.converter);

So, our custom component skeleton will become:

import javax.faces.component.FacesComponent;
import javax.faces.component.ValueHolder;
import javax.faces.convert.Converter;
public class MyComponent implements ValueHolder {

 private enum PropertyKeys {
  // Cannot be uppercased. They have to exactly match the attribute names.
  converter; // converter attribute name

 private Converter localConverter; // converter object

public void setConverter(Converter converter) {
 localConverter = converter;

public Converter getConverter() {
 return localConverter != null ? localConverter : (Converter) getStateHelper().eval(PropertyKeys.converter);

 // override rest of methods           


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