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luni, 5 octombrie 2015

[OmniFaces utilities 2.0] Check if the string representation of an item of the given array equals to the string representation of the given item

[OmniFaces utilities] The contains() function returns true if the string representation of an item of the given array equals to the string representation of the given item. This returns false if either the array or the item is null. This is useful if you want to for example check if #{} contains a certain value.


The of:contains() function is useful to check if the header values map (available via #{headerValues} implicit object) or the request parameters map (available via #{paramValues} implicit object) contains a certain value. For example, you can easily check if the current host is your localhost address, like this (e.g. localhost:8080):

// This will be evaluated to true for a request as: http://localhost:8080/Myapp/...
#{of:contains(headerValues['Host'], 'localhost:8080')}

Or, you can check a certain value for a query request parameter:

// suppose we have these two URLs:
http://localhost:8080/ Myapp /?user=guest
#{of:contains(paramValues['user'], 'guest')} // return true      
http://localhost:8080/ Myapp /?user=admin
#{of:contains(paramValues['user'], 'guest')} // return false      

// or these two URLs
#{of:contains(paramValues['product'], 'shoes')} // return true
#{of:contains(paramValues['product'], 'shoes')} // return false

Or, you can check a certain value for a request parameter:

<h:form id="registerId">
 <h:inputText id="nameId"/>
 <h:commandButton value="Register"/>

// check if the user submitted, Buzz
#{of:contains(paramValues['registerId:nameId'], 'Buzz')}

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