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vineri, 18 septembrie 2015

[OmniFaces utilities 2.0] Format the given string with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 parameter(s)

[OmniFaces utilities] The format1() function formats the given string with 1 parameter. The locale is obtained by Faces#getLocale(). Design notice: There are five formatX() methods, each taking 1 to 5 format parameters because EL functions do not support varargs methods nor overloaded function names.


Below you can see an example of of:format5() method:

<c:set var="rank" value="1"/>
<c:set var="player" value="Rafael Nadal"/>
<c:set var="coach" value="Tony Nadal"/>
<c:set var="tournament" value="Roland Garros"/>
<c:set var="year" value="2"/>
#{of:format5("Number {0} in the world is {1}. His coach {2} said that the tournament from {3} was the best for him in the last {4} years!", rank, player, coach, tournament, year)}

This will output: Number 1 in the world is Rafael Nadal. His coach Tony Nadal said that the tournament from Roland Garros was the best for him in the last 2 years!

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